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Spicy Bean Stew

A spicy bean medley perfect for a vegetarian meal or meatless Monday

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Portions: 4

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NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION 220.3 kcal = 920kj /per portion

Carbohydrates 30.1 g
Energy 220.3 kcal
Fats 7.4 g
Fiber 8.2 g
Protein 9.2 g
Saturated Fats 0.5 g
Sodium 246.4 mg

Serving Tip

Serve with hot rice or hot roasted breadfruit.

What do you want to do with this recipe?

Balanced menu

Want to know more about MyMenu IQ™?

What is a balanced menu?

A balanced menu provides a variety of food groups and key nutrients.

MyMenu IQ™ generates a nutritional score, considering the energy content and the nutrients in the menu, and their contribution towards achieving nutritional recommendations as based on a 2,000 kcal daily diet for an average adult.
MyMenu IQ™ guides you to select a balanced menu on a scale from 0 to 100, with focus on the main meal.

What does the MyMenu IQ™ score mean ?

Room for Balance Improvement (0 - 44)

This menu has room to improve its nutritional balance to help you meet dietary and nutritional recommendations.

Great Balance (70 - 100)

This menu has great nutritional balance, providing a good variety of food groups and key nutrients.

Good Balance (45 - 69)

This menu has great nutritional balance, providing a good variety of food groups and key nutrients.

What is the energy content breakdown?

30 7.4g / 30%
54 30.1g / 54%
16 9.2g / 16%
11 220.2g / 11%

The energy content breakdown shows the amount of the macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat) contained in one serving of the recipe and their relative contribution (in %) to the total energy content of the serving.