Paneer Bhurji MAGGI Noodles Recipe

Thinking of adding a twist to your favourite MAGGI Masala Noodles? Just grab the paneer in your fridge, put on an apron and simply smile - our easy Paneer Bhurji recipe will do the rest! And when you decide to make it again, just add your favourite vegetables for a completely new flavour profile.

Difficulty Easy
Portions: 2
Total 19 min


  • 1 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Unit Green Chili Peppers (chopped)
  • 1/2 Medium Onion (chopped)
  • 1 Small Tomato (diced)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Turmeric Powder
  • 1 Cube MAGGI® Vegetable Flavoured Seasoning Cubes
  • 1 Cup Paneer (grated)
  • 1 Packet MAGGI® 2-Minute Noodles (Masala)
  • 2 Tablespoons Cilantro Leaves or 1 tablespoon chadon beni (chopped)


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Use tofu instead of paneer

You may add Tofu instead of Paneer to manage the fat content.

The Right Serve

The recommended portion size for this dish is 1 bowl of 200 gms.

The Perfect Meal

Consume it with a bowl of fresh green salad, which adds fiber to the meal.


449.7 kcal = 1,883kj /per portion

Carbohydrates 32.2 g
Energy 449.7 kcal
Fats 29 g
Fiber 2.9 g
Protein 17.7 g
Saturated Fats 12.9 g
Sodium 844.9 mg
Sugars 7.5 g

What do you want to do with this recipe?

Menú balanceado

Want to know more about MyMenu IQ™?

What is a balanced menu?

What does the MyMenu IQ™ score mean ?

Room for Balance Improvement (0 - 44)

This menu has room to improve its nutritional balance to help you meet dietary and nutritional recommendations.

Great Balance (70 - 100)

This menu has great nutritional balance, providing a good variety of food groups and key nutrients.

Good Balance (45 - 69)

This menu has great nutritional balance, providing a good variety of food groups and key nutrients.

What is the energy content breakdown?

57 29g / 57%
28 32.1g / 28%
15 17.6g / 15%
22 449.6g / 22%

The energy content breakdown shows the amount of the macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat) contained in one serving of the recipe and their relative contribution (in %) to the total energy content of the serving.